Founded in 2004 by former Vice President Al Gore and David Blood, Generation Investment Management, LLC, is an investment management partnership dedicated to long-term investing, integrated sustainability research and client alignment. Today, former Vice President Gore serves as the Chairman of Generation Investment Management.
With offices in London and San Fransisco, Generation takes a long-term investment view, integrating sustainability research within a rigorous fundamental analysis framework. Sustainability research plays an important role in forming its views on the quality of the business, the quality of management and valuation. Generation believes that integrating sustainability research into a rigorous traditional investment process does not sacrifice economic value; it enhances economic returns while simultaneously confronting the world’s greatest challenges.
Generation strives to promote a more sustainable form of capitalism. At its core, sustainable capitalism is a series of principles that aim to address structural issues facing capitalism. These include, an over-reliance on short-term decision-making at the cost of long-term value, misalignment of incentives and a lack of proper accounting for externalities. Sustainable capitalism seeks to solve these problems by encouraging long-term economic value creation while simultaneously integrating environmental, social and governance externalities into its metrics. The result is an economic system that can serve the world better than any other and support prosperity and sustainability for generations to come.